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2004/3/27 03:07 点击:1797 转发:0 评论:0
米兰时间 Friday, 26 March 2004 17:59:24







[B]MARTINS SPECIAL (2): FOR MY FATHER[/B] Friday, 26 March 2004 17:59:24

[B]Martins, how difficult is it for you to be out through injury?[/B]

It really is very difficult. I obviously want to play all the time. This is also part of that belief in the squad I was talking about before. But if you finish on the bench, for example, it's not a disaster. It's the boss' technical decision. He might have seen you in form or perhaps not, it's different. But an injury is terrible. The ideal situation is yesterday's match. You come on from the start, you're in form and you do well. Perhaps I made a few mistakes, also yesterday. Perhaps I wasted a few moves. But I have to say that I'm very pleased about yesterday.

[B]Do you ever miss Africa?[/B]

Not just a few times, loads of times. Actually, every day. Yesterday, for example, I left the stadium and went home. And do you know who was there? No one, I was alone. I miss my mother, my brothers and sisters. I call them every day just to hear their voices. It's not easy living far apart. Sometimes, and I'm not ashamed of saying it, I cry. Then maybe I'll call my mother and she'll tell me 'don't worry, you'll see that in two or three months you'll come home and see us all again'. This calms me. I have a nice family. When I was injured they called me every day and then it was me to tell my mother not to worry. She was sad, so I told her 'everything will be alright, they're taking care of me'. And so it was. And she's also happy now.

[B]You turned nineteen last October. Do you feel more a boy or a man?[/B]

If I have to be honest, who knows? It's a doubt I have. Sometimes you ask yourself who you really are. I have a lot of friends, and sometimes when we meet or they come to my house, they ask me how I feel. I'm Martins of Inter, but they say I never behave like they expect a Serie A player would. I don't have 'high' standard of living. I don't think we should force ourselves to fly high.



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